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Unlock your creativity with precision

Elevate your digital experience with our cutting-edge range of specialized keyboards designed for creative professionals.

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First choice of the elite

Don’t just take our word for it. We produce high quality shortcut keyboards for the best editors and musicians in the industry. Our shortcut keyboards have helped editors creating epic movies like, The Revenant, The Godfather, Captain America, Harry Potter, Ted and many more.

Logickeyboard champion
Darin Wooldridge
Color Grading, The Revenant, Avengers, etc.
Darin has worked on some of the biggest blockbuster movies such as, The Revenant, Fifty Shades of Grey, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers, the Iron Man films and many more.
Logickeyboard champion
FL Studio Power User
It gave me not only access to all the options, but it also reminded me of a lot of options that I did not even remember in the first place!
Logickeyboard champion
Jason Levine
Worldwide Evangelist, Adobe
I never remember shortcuts, I'm terrible. After 16 years, I know about 7 shortcuts in all of the Adobe applications. I have really longed, not just for a keyboard to give me those shortcuts, - but for a keyboard that has the right kind of feel.
Logickeyboard champion
John G. Moore
John have worked with many different people over the years shooting different genres. He has done business with Thomas Cook, Queen, David Bowie, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, and many others both live and studio.
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