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Operační systém MacOS X, WinXP, Vista
Kompatibilita Pro Tools TDM, RTAS, AudioSuite, VST
Maximální frekvence 192 kHz
Copy protection iLok
Stručný popis Reverse Echo efekty
Tento plugin lze zakoupit jednotlivě pouze jako "download" licenci !

Inspired by the Crystal Echoes preset in the Eventide H3000, Crystallizer combines granular reverse echo slicing and retro pitch processing to create a huge range of radical sonic manipulations and classics with a twist. Use it to create synth-like textures from simple acoustic guitar rhythms, lush detuned echos, or completely psychedelic pitch-shifted reverse echo effects. Great for drums, guitar, bass, sound design, electronic music, and just about anything else - Crystallizer is a truly unique and creative effects processor.

If you listened to the radio in the late 80s, you've heard the original Crystal Echoes effect. It's sound was absolutely unmistakable, and was often used on an intro or at the end of a song to create a synth-like pad from simple guitar chords. With our new Crystallizer algorithm, we couldn't help but add a few improvements. Like MIDI sync. Yep, midi sync'd reverse delays. Now that's cool. How about a built-in Gate/Duck control, and high-cut and low-cut filters to help tame this sometimes unruly effect. Of course, automation is also supported. It's a classic sound with modern control.

Old school pitch-shifting just like, uh, the old school. Modern pitch-shifters use sophisticated mathematical algorithms to transform music and vocals as naturally as possible (like our PurePitch and SPEED products). The original old school devices (like Eventide's classic H910 Harmonizer) used a resample and cross-fade technique that introduced audible 'glitches' in the pitch-shifted audio. Glitch is good. Well, in this case it is. That's a big part of the sound. A sound we've all heard countless times, on tons of hit songs. So dig into the past and enjoy the true retro sound.

The best place to start with this creature is in the preset menu. We've served up a wide range of flavors from subtle to over-the-top. We stuck them in categories to make your selection easier, but you don't have to listen to us. Experiment. Listen. If one preset is way off, the next may be the one that hits the spot. It really is that diverse. Don't let the outrageous stuff fool you into missing the subtly different. There's gold in them there hills.

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Nákupní košík
1 x C195
1 x PunchLight GPI
1 x KeyLab 61 Black Edition
1 x Držák na kondenzátorový mikrofon - černý
1 x Recording PlexSign BLACK
1 x Akustika hudebních prostorů v České republice 1. díl
1 x MOOG Mother-32
1 x Minimoog Model D 2022
1 x Letecký box na Moog One
1 x DB25-XLRM DigiSnake, 4'
1 x SSL X-Patch
1 x Grandmother
1 x PC MIDI Box
1 x Matriarch SR Series Case
1 x MOTU Micro Express 2 USB
1 x DigiLink Cable, 25'
1 x DB25-XLR M+F AES/EBU DigiSnake, 4'
1 x Dust Cover pro Voyager
1 x PunchLight DLi
1 x Studio Display SD2
1 x Etherwave Theremin SR Series Case
1 x Dust Cover pro Matriarch
1 x Model D SR Series Case
1 x Recording Strip Magnetic
1 x Držák na kondenzátorový mikrofon - světlý
1 x PunchLight Midi
1 x Recording PlexSign Mini
1 x DigiLink Cable, 1.5'
1 x Akustika hudebních prostorů v České republice 3. díl
1 x EP-3 Expression Pedal
1 x Moog Sound Studio: DFAM & Subharmonicon - skladem !
1 x DigiLink Cable 100' (supports up to 96K only)
1 x DB25-TRS DigiSnake, 4'
1 x DB25-XLR M+F AES/EBU DigiSnake, 12'
1 x DB25-DB25 TDIF Only DigiSnake, 12'
1 x Recording PlexSign
1 x PunchLight WLi
1 x Václav Syrový: Malý slovník základních pojmů z hudební akustiky
1 x DB25-DB25 DigiSnake, 25'
1 x Dust Cover pro Model D
1 x PunchLight W-CON TX
1 x Relay Extender
1 x Moog Sound Studio: Mother-32 & DFAM - skladem !
1 x Recording Strip USB - zlatý design
1 x Studio Display USB
1 x DB25-XLRM DigiSnake, 12'
1 x Recording Ring
1 x Studio Display XT2
1 x DigiLink Cable, 50'
1 x DB25-DB25 DigiSnake, 12'
1 x Phantom Power Supply
1 x Relay SwitchBox USB
1 x Dust Cover pro Subsequent 25
1 x Gig Bag na Voyager
1 x Akustika hudebních prostorů v České republice 2. díl
1 x Gig Bag Subsequent 25/Sub Phatty
1 x DB25-XLRF DigiSnake, 12'
1 x Recording Strip USB
1 x PunchLight W-CON RX
1 x PunchLight Merger
1 x DB25-DB25 DigiSnake, 4'
1 x DB25-TRS DigiSnake, 12'
1 x DFAM (Drummer From Another Mother)
1 x Recording Strip - zlatý design
1 x Grandmother SR Series Case
1 x Akustika hudebních prostorů v České republice 4. díl
1 x FS-1 Pedal
467642,- Kč
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Zlevněné produkty
Etherwave Theremin SR Series Case
Etherwave Theremin SR Series Case
2975,- Kč (bez DPH)
2400,- Kč (bez DPH)

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Mediaport Pro, s.r.o.
Hradešínská 67, Praha 10
telefon: 271 735 610
fax: 272 734 897
