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Phase Mistress
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Operační systém MacOS X 10.4 nebo vyšší
Kompatibilita Pro Tools TDM, RTAS, AudioSuite
Maximální frekvence 192 kHz
Copy protection iLok
Stručný popis analog phaser

Classic phase-shifting is a widely diverse sound. From the Bi-Phase, Boss Super Phaser, Phase 90, to the Moogerfooger 12 stage, Small Stone, Trine and many more. All of which were stacked in our test room, stock room and lining the halls. We needed to be sure PhaseMistress nailed that rich, warm, silky analog sound. We put in tons of styles to emulate all the classics and do some things those old boxes couldn't do, like MIDI sync, and a large preset library. We think you'll agree, PhaseMistress has got it all.

With LFO, Envelope follower, Random, ADSR and our unique Rhythm Mode we're constantly amazed at all the places our users are putting PhaseMistress to work. It's on guitar, bass, drums, vocals (Queen, ELO, Pink Floyd anybody?), even whole mixes. We've heard crushed envelope phased drums and gritty phased out radio guitar. Turns out it's more powerful than even we thought. This is one phase you won't grow out of.

Even though PhaseMistress is deep, we wanted it to be easy to get your sound fast. Presets are great (and we included a bunch), but sometimes you just want to experiment, so we made the interface look and feel like a friendly piece of hardware. Switch between mod modes fast. Easily change styles and the whole sound of the phase. All the main controls are right there to tweak, turn and automate. Go ahead, you won't break it.

MIDI locked 4 bar sweeps, custom rhythmic patterns, freaky talk box random phase, wide stereo swirls, every phase you've ever heard all in a straight-forward interface with automation. OK, we think we got it all in there. But just in case, we threw in a Tweak Menu so you could dig into the guts of Phasemistress and create your own sound or fine tune one of ours.

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Nákupní košík
1 x iZotope RX Loudness Control
1 x iZotope RX 10 Standard
1 x iZotope RX 10 Advanced
1 x iZotope Insight 2
1 x RX Post Production Suite 4
1 x iZotope RX Elements
1 x Speakerphone 2
1 x iZotope Neutron
1 x iZotope Nectar 3
1 x Fabfilter Pro-Q 2
1 x iZotope Neutron 3 Elements
1 x iZotope VocalSynth
1 x iZotope Neutron 3 Standard
1 x Dialogue Match
1 x iZotope Ozone 9 Standard
1 x InDoor
1 x iZotope Neutron 3 Advanced
1 x iZotope Ozone 9 Advanced
224399,- Kč
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Zlevněné produkty
Subsequent 37 SR Series Case
Subsequent 37 SR Series Case
8500,- Kč (vč. DPH)
7990,- Kč (vč. DPH)

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