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Operační systém MacOS X, winXP/Vista
Kompatibilita TDM, RTAS, AU
Maximální frekvence 192 kHz
Copy protection iLok
Stručný popis Tremolo a Auto-Gate

Need tremolo? We got you covered. Tremolator emulates the tremolo effect of classic guitar amps such as the Fender, and even the great tremolo sound of the Wurlitzer electric piano. Add dynamic control of speed and depth that lets the tremolo respond to the music. Then toss in MIDI sync to lock to your tempo. Oh, yeah, then there's our programmable Rhythm Editor that let's you write custom patterns and turns this amazing tremolo into a outrageous rhythmic auto-gate. Vintage guitar effect and modern remix tool at your service.

Gear heads that we are, we broke out the test gear and analyzed the waveforms created by some of our favorite old gear. Then we used our custom LFO waveshape editor built into Tremolator to perfectly recreate them. It's very interesting to look at these shapes and see why each of these vintage pieces has a unique sound. Pass that through our Analog mode, which emulates going in and out of a piece of analog hardware, and you've got all the pieces of a great sounding tremolo..

Switch the nice smooth tremolo waveforms over to a sharp squarewave and you turn this into a monster of an auto-gate. You can lock it to MIDI with the flip of a switch, then select 1/8th notes, 16th notes or whatever fits the rhythm you need. If straight note pulses isn't what you need, use the Rhythm Editor to write your own cool groove (You can even pull a groove from our library). More? Add some swing or shuffle, accents, and analog mode. You can even use the Waveshape Editor to tighten or loosen the gate time.

In the Tweak menu you'll find the Dynamics controls. These parameters let your playing control the speed and/or depth of the modulation. You can create cool speed ups or slow downs based on how loud or soft you play. You can create smooth increases in depth as your cords fade out, or heavy tremolo that fades away. Plus there are already some great presets in our Dynamics folder that you can "tweak" to fit your needs.

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Nákupní košík
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1 x HD I/O 16x16 Analog
1 x TeraPack PC
1 x FL Studio All Plugin Edition
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1 x Recording Display
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1 x Sibelius Ultimate EDU
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1 x Relay SwitchBox USB
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1 x Altiverb 7 XL
1 x SSL X-Patch
1 x Addictive Drums 2 Creative Collection
1 x PunchLight DLi
1 x USB Ignition Key pro Reason
1 x Stylus RMX Expanded
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1 x PunchLight W-CON RX
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1 x PunchLight Midi
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1 x KeyLab 61 Black Edition
1 x Pro Tools | S3
1 x Relay Extender
1 x Epic World
1 x Keyscape
1 x Recording Lamp USB
1 x PunchLight Merger
1 x Studio Warning Lamp - dřevěná
1 x MOTU Micro Express 2 USB
1 x Pro Tools | Dock
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1 x Back Beat - S.A.G.E. Xpander
1 x Recording PlexSign BLACK
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1 x PuigChild Hardware Compressor
1 x Recording Strip USB
1 x Recording Ring
1 x iLok 3
1 x Sibelius Ultimate
1 x iLok 3 USB-C
1 x PunchLight W-CON TX
1 x PC MIDI Box
1 x Recording PlexSign Mini
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1 x Groove Agent 4
1 x PunchLight GPI
1 x Studio Warning Lamp - "Gold"
1 x MOTU FastLane USB
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1 x Recording Strip - zlatý design
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1628020,- Kč
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Zlevněné produkty
Subsequent 25 SR Series Case
Subsequent 25 SR Series Case
7200,- Kč (vč. DPH)
6776,- Kč (vč. DPH)

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