PunchLight WLi – wireless light connection.

PunchLight WLi is a unique product which uses wireless technology to connect your computer to studio warning lights. It allows the of use of previously installed PunchLight lights and the expansion of the light system without cables - it can also connect to one external light via 12V output. The WLi connects to your computer via USB and transmits to each light currently via our W-CON RX receiver/s.


Recording Strip

Compact, simple, magnetic base.

PunchLight GPI

Switch on/off your studio lights via AVID SYNC, AVID S6, and other devices.

PunchLight MIDI

Control your up to three studio lights via any Midi Interface.

Studio Warning Display

A simple and elegant information sign in a high quality aluminum frame.


Find us at the office

Sales & Support:

Mediaport Pro s.r.o., Hradesinska 1928/67, 10100, Prague, Czech Republic

VAT no.: CZ65412788

Product Manufacturing:

PunchLight s.r.o., Hradesinska 1928/67, 10100, Prague, Czech Republic

VAT no.: CZ07607938


+420 271 735 610
Mon - Fri, 9:30-17:00 (CET)